Bless Adonai Oh My Soul by Beth Auman

Is This your hearts cry today? Bless Adonai, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name.  Bless Adonai, Oh my soul and forget not all His benefits.  Psalm 103:1-2

Cry out to Him today. He will Bless your soul. He will Bless your life and as you cry out to Him, truly do not forget His benefits.

May Jehovah Shalom cover you today. May He guard and guide you in all that you do. May you seek Him first and Bless Him from the depths of your soul.

He is a Good Good Father and He Loves you. He sent His only Son Jesus to live, die and rise again so that you would know the depths of His Love. Find a new way to Praise Him today. Let yourself Love Him today.


Love Beyond Measure.


