Celebrate Passover by Beth Auman

passover-series-the-seder-2-1528684While watching Robert Heidler on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural the other day, Sid said something that settled this argument -Do we as Believers in Jesus Celebrate Passover or not?  Sid stated the following: Here  is the link: http://sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/robert-heidler-0

Was the Bible written for the Jews? Was the Bible written for the Christians? OR Was the Word of God written for Believers?

Believers in Jesus Christ – The Word is ONE just as Abba Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit are ONE.

Are you a believer in Jesus? Is He the LORD of your life?  Then yes, you too can celebrate Passover – just as HE did. We always ask ourselves What Would Jesus Do?  Why not do What Jesus Did. He celebrated Passover. It is His celebration. Passover was the time that God Himself chose for the Crucifixion of His Son., the exact moment to rent the veil and restore relationship with Him. The Biblical feasts are a picture of the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ Our LORD.  Celebrate Jesus and Passover.  Matthew 27:51-54 (VOICE) 51 At that instant, the temple curtain was torn in half, from top to bottom. The earth shook; rocks split in two; 52 tombs burst open, and bodies of many sleeping holy women and men were raised up. 53 After Jesus’ resurrection, they came out of their tombs, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and showed themselves to people.

54 When the Centurion and soldiers who had been charged with guarding Jesus felt the earthquake and saw the rocks splitting and the tombs opening, they were, of course, terrified.

Soldiers: He really was God’s Son.

lamb-1396615Exodus 12:13-14 (VOICE)

13 The blood on the doorframes of your houses will be a sign of where you are. When I pass by and see the blood, I will pass over you. This plague will not afflict you when I strike the land of Egypt with death.

14 This will be a day for you to always remember. I want you and all generations after you to commemorate this day with a festival to Me. Celebrate this feast as a perpetual ordinance, a permanent part of your life together.

John 1:29 (Voice) The morning after this conversation, John sees Jesus coming toward him. In eager astonishment, he shouts out: John the Baptist: Look! This man is more than He seems! He is the Lamb sent from God, the sacrifice to erase the sins of the world!

Revelation 5:12 (VOICE) 12 Thousands of Messengers (with a great voice): Worthy is the Lamb who was slain.
    Worthy is the Lamb to receive authority and wealth and wisdom and greatness
    And honor and glory and praise.

Jesus is the Lamb who was slain and He is Worthy to receive authority and wealth and wisdom and greatness and honor and glory and praise. Amen- Part of honoring Him is Celebrating Him the way that Abba Father ordained that we celebrate Him. Seeing Him in the Passover Celebration and Celebrating Him during the time that He went to the cross. Jesus died on the cross at Passover – The Lamb was slain at Passover. The Last Supper was at Passover. Why is this so very difficult for the Christian community to grasp?

The truth is being revealed so that you can truly be free and walk in the timeline of the LORD.  A year is a cycle and we are to meet with Him at the appointed times. He created an entire calendar in order that we as His believers can continue moving forward on our journey.

We Passover every time that we breakthrough and overcome any situation by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.  The Church of today just won’t use the term Passover.

I’m excited to declare that I have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb out of the hand of the enemy. I have Passed over and choose to continue Passing Over – Moving Forward with Jesus my Lord.

Declare this over your own life: I have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb out of the hand of the enemy. I have Passed Over and choose to continue Passing Over – Moving forward with Jesus my Lord.  Amen

Dr. Robert Heidler introduced me to this declaration and it’s just so completely true.

Revelation 12:11 (VOICE) 11     By the blood of the Lamb and the word of their witnesses, they have become victorious over him,  For they did not hold on to their lives, even under threat of death.

Celebrating Passover as a believer in Jesus isn’t a Religious Tradition. Nor does it need to be celebrated in a Religious manner.  You can celebrate the Seder Meal as our Jewish brother’s do and it is a wonderful learning experience to do so.

You can get your family together for a meal, apply the blood of Jesus over your doorposts and have a meal, take Communion, Celebrate Jesus and Passover. Just as in Exodus the Israelites escaped the Egyptians (their harsh taskmasters), we too have harsh taskmasters in our lives. Things that we need to break free from (Passover).

God created the Hebraic calendar and through it He set appointed times to meet with us (Believers in Jesus). Passover is one of these set appointment times.

Personally, I will lay the bunny and eggs down and choose the appointment time that He wants me to keep with Him. God is not going to force anyone to celebrate His Feasts, but there is an amazing freedom and blessing that comes when we celebrate Him His way, there is no substitution.

I’m still on my journey and I am still learning. Step by step, drawing closer to Jesus. Taking His Communion in the manner in which it was offered to us. There is no substitute.

Luke 22:15-22The Voice (VOICE)passover-series-the-seder-1-1528687

The meal that Jesus and His disciples shared is still celebrated today among followers of Jesus. We surround it with varied rituals and music, but the original meal took place in the midst of great drama and tension. The disciples were arguing, and Jesus was teaching them yet another lesson about life in the kingdom of God. Jesus even spoke of His own suffering and their betrayal and denial. Yet through it all, Jesus’ focus remained on the central theme of His life and mission: the coming of the kingdom of God.

Jesus: 15 It has been My deep desire to eat this Passover meal with you before My suffering begins. 16 Know this: I will not eat another Passover meal until its meaning is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.

17 He took a cup of wine and gave thanks for it.

Jesus: Take this; share it among yourselves. 18 Know this: I will not drink another sip of wine until the kingdom of God has arrived in fullness.

19 Then He took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and shared it with them.

Jesus: This is My body, My body given for you. Do this to remember Me.

20 And similarly, after the meal had been eaten, He took the cup.

Jesus: This cup, which is poured out for you, is the new covenant, made in My blood. 21 But even now, the hand of My betrayer is with Me on this table. 22 As it has been determined, the Son of Man, that firstfruit of a new generation of humanity, must be betrayed, but how pitiful it will be for the person who betrays Him.


Jesus: 15 It has been My deep desire to eat this Passover meal with you before My suffering begins. 16 Know this: I will not eat another Passover meal until its meaning is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.

The meaning has been fulfilled in the kingdom of God – Jesus went to the cross, suffered, died and on the 3rd day He ROSE again. He is alive and It is His deep desire to eat this Passover meal with each of us. Celebrate Jesus this Passover. Praise the LORD Most High!

I pray in Jesus name that each person that chooses to read this will ask the Lord about the Feasts of the Lord – His appointed times. I pray that each of you will be led by the Holy Spirit to embrace these appointed times of the Lord – study to show yourself approved and enter into a deeper and more Victorious place in the LORD – Keep moving forward – Keep Passing Over until Jesus Returns and we can all Celebrate together..

As Dr. Robert Heidler says “Anytime is a Good time to Celebrate Jesus.”

Celebrate the Lamb that was Slain – Celebrate Jesus.. He is so very Worthy.

Love Beyond Measure.

Beth Auman