Friends with God or the World by Beth Auman

Where do you get your information and who are your friends with? Adonai calls those who are friends with the world adulterers. He states that friendship with the world is enmity with Him! When we look to the world for our information we are placing our faith in them rather than in Adonai and His Word.

What does enmity in the Bible mean?
Enmity and its synonyms “hostility,” animosity, and animus all indicate deep-seated dislike or ill will. Enmity (which derives from an Anglo-French word meaning “enemy”) suggests true hatred, either overt or concealed. Hostility implies strong, open enmity that shows itself in attacks or aggression.
Enmity with God id not the relationship that we want to have. This is very serious.

During the month of Elul we must evaluate our alignments. We must repent for any friendships with the world. If you look to the world for wisdom then you are at enmity with God.  Ask Adonai today to cleanse you from all unrighteousness that you may come before Him with clean hands and a pure heart. He will surely let you know if you have crossed His boundary.

We must all walk by faith and not by sight. Not by what we read in the news or watch on our devices. Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness and he was called a friend of God. Don’t you want to be a friend of God? We are to align ourselves with believers and always ask for Adonai’s Wisdom. Do not accept information from anyone who aligns their life against God’s Word. You are the one that He will judge for it.
Adonai we come before You in Jesus Name and repent for any friendship that we have made with the world. We yield unto You and lay down any friendship that is not pleasing to You. Anoint our eyes, ears and mouths to see, hear and speak Your Word. We humbly ask for You to lead us and guide us into all truth daily. Give each of us discernment in regard to what to read, listen to and obtain our information. In Jesus Name Amen
Blessings and Shalom and Love Beyond Measure
Beth Auman

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