No Fear Here by Beth Auman

Choose to walk in Faith Today – Read this Scripture Promise in Isaiah 41:10 as many times out loud as it takes for your Faith to Rise. Command that fear to FLEE in Jesus name and remember that Jesus Loves you

God created you with a plan. You have a God given destiny and He Loves you with His Never Ending, Unfailing, Limitless LOVE.

Do Not Fear

For God is with you

Do not anxiously look around

For He is Your God

He will Strengthen you

Surely He will help you

Surely He will uphold you with His Righteous Hand!

Yes, Lord Yes, we receive Your help today. In Jesus name Strengthen and uphold us. We refuse to fear. We will Trust in and Rely on You.

Thank You LORD for being with us every step of the way in Jesus name. Amen
