There is Grace for that! by Conny Hubbard

DSC03116There is Grace for that!

I leaned heavily on God’s grace 17 years ago when my son joined the military right out of high school and was sent to Anchorage, Alaska, for his first duty station. He was just seventeen and a half years old. My one and only child! I remember visiting a friend shortly after he had left and she asked me how I was doing.
I said to her, “There is grace for that.” And it was God’s grace power that was sufficient for me at that time (2 Cor. 12:9). His sustaining grace was always available and I took all my worries, fears, concerns and heartaches to Him.

I need that same grace again today – 17 years later – as my son, his wife and their three children are moving to Germany to be stationed there for the next three years. The Lord reminded me today of that phrase I had used back then, “There is grace for that.” Even though Germany is my home country and I have family there, it is a far way off. You don’t realize how far away it is until you fly for eight hours over a vast ocean.

As my heart is aching today, I’m wondering what is it that you need His grace for? Remember, there is grace for THAT – whatever THAT is for you. Is it a sickness, a difficult relationship, financial struggles or (fill in the blank)?

Grace is God’s love and mercy in action on our behalf. It is His favorable influence and His unlimited love expressed in the gift of His son. It is His kind disposition to impart unmerited blessings.

We are saved by grace – Ephesians 2:8
We stand in grace – Romans 5:1-2
We are to grow in grace – 2 Peter 3:18
And to be strengthened by grace – Hebrews 10:29
We find grace to help in time of need – Hebrews 4:16

God promised us that there is more than enough. In fact, just to list a few of many scriptures, His grace is:
Abundant – Romans 5:17
More than abundant – 1 Timothy 1:14
Sufficient – 2 Corinthians 12:9
Abounding – 2 Corinthians 9:8

Just like a big, overflowing banqueting table, it is there, waiting for us to reach out and fill our plates with generous helpings. God’s grace is available but we have to avail ourselves and receive it. For me, just saying it out loud is the beginning, “Father, I receive your grace for ________ and I thank you for it.” After I pray that I see myself no longer lacking but I draw on His grace by faith. And somehow, I do not know how, it is there, making all the difference.

 © Conny Hubbard 2015


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