2014 – National Day of Prayer

Roses_Bunch_Of_FlowersI come before You Oh Lord – may You be praised, honored and glorified today – may we all – the creation that You made to praise You – Praise You today and touch that place in Your own heart and may You see us and hear our hearts. As we touch Your heart in unity and faith – may You release the ability to ascend, higher and higher in You.

Father may our focus today be on You, not just today – everyday and – on Your heart not selfish ambitions. May we ascend in praise with You.

Holy Spirit – we invite You to each and every gathering and into each and every heart – light Your fire within us and may we burn for You so brightly that others see the flame and enter in.

May we not grieve You Holy Spirit and may we ascend in Praise with You higher and higher and higher until we are the complete – Shalom filled – unified body of Christ that He is coming back for.. I stand as Your watchman on the wall in the name above every other name – Jesus Christ my Lord Amen.

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