An Odd Day By Beth Auman

Flower15There is an old song on my heart today – What the World needs now is Love sweet Love, da ta da ta da da da da da daa.. Can you hear the melody and the words singing in your heart?   Well it does ring true in me this morning.. We’ve had a very what I call an ODD day – and being a Prophetic, Watchman type person – my Spiritual ears and eyes are wide open.. I’m standing on my rampart watching to see what Abba will say…  and I keep on hearing – What the World needs now is Love Sweet Love, da ta da ta da da da da da daa.. In my Spirit I keep saying Lord I’m listening – and singing in my heart with you..

Lord, let me be Your Love today – I stand against this Odd Day – where the evil one, the enemy of my soul tries to throw things at me – I stand against him and tell him that Satan the Blood of Jesus is against you.. and you are bound..  and  The Victory in Jesus Christ is mine.. SHALOM – Storm..

I’m His taught one – I belong to Jesus.. and I see Him in my boat – filled with peace.. and I will say to the storms of life what He says – SHALOM – Storm.. and the storm will cease.

I will sing this song of life with Him – with a resounding AMEN.. and I will ask Him if I can be His Love that the world needs now..  He smiles at me and says yes and lets me know that His Love is Truthful, not sugar coated and that His Love can be hard for people – especially unsaved people to comprehend.. But that His Love is Eternal, has Eternal purpose and is always  about His Kingdom of Heaven coming into our earth.  

There are many things that we don’t see, can’t see in the future. Many things are veiled from us.. however the Eternal One – the One who created the Universe can see all things at once. He knows all of our today’s, tomorrows and He has a specific well lit path for each one of us.. but we have to follow Him. Yield to His way and walk in His truth.. Knowing that the truth being revealed to us sometimes can be..well.. Hard.. Oh but when we see it – we see Him and His Love, His eternal purpose, His Kingdom.

So.. When you are having what I call an Odd day.. When there is a storm of life coming against you or many storms at once – such as mine today.. Ask the Lord the Lover of your soul to put a New Song in your mouth, a hymn of praise unto our God – so that many will see and fear and put their trust in Our Lord.. (That’s a beautiful Hebraic Song)…

The song that He sings back to you may be – What the world needs now is Love, Sweet Love, da ta da ta da da da da daa.. and it may be something totally different.. But I promise you that your perspective will change for asking.  Your focus will shift and your eyes will be locked on the One True God – the Lord of your life..and the storm that you are facing will be SHALOM – Complete – filled with peace, nothing missing  – nothing broken..

That is my prayer for each of you today – Shalom Storm.. Shalom Odd Day – Lord put a new song in our hearts and in our mouths.. A hymn of praise unto You.. and Lord – may we all hear your song clearly.. see all of Your truth that You have for us to see and focus on ou – the Eternal One.. You hold our eternity and see all of our days. Thank You for the blessings of the past and may you Bless us from this point forward. May we each have a new weapon in our tool box to fight the enemy of our soul by turning it all over to Jesus Christ – because as we do – He stands up and says Shalom to our storm.. Peace comes, focus is realized and we receive His peace which passes all understanding right now. In Jesus name Amen

© Beth Auman 2014

Love beyond measure and Shalom-365

Beth Auman

This Song – What the World needs now was oddly enough released during the year of my birth….

Wow – that’s interesting – it was released during the year of my birth when the world needed love and today..He’s placed it on my heart.. Interesting…

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