
Hanukkah Blessings

During this Season of Light and Dedication remember always that Yeshua (King Jesus) said: John 8:12 CJB 12 Yeshua spoke to them again: “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light which gives life.”

On Hanukkah.. we dedicate our lives to Him and miracles, signs and wonders are given as we walk in His Light.. as He IS the Light of Life.

Don’t miss out because you think you know something about Him! There is always more..

What if Ruach HaKodesh overshadowed Mary on the first night of Hanukkah? What if Abba has know that Hanukkah and December 25 this year in 5785..2024 would be on the same day?

He who holds the stars.. who calls them each by name has ordained Hanukkah as the miraculous Time of Light.

We have a few days left to celebrate Hanukkah. As Abba to open the eyes of your understanding and receive His Holy Spirit of Revelation and Understanding.

Blessings and Shalom-Love Beyond Measure, Beth Auman

If You Know And Do It Anyway

Repentance is for Everyone. Check yourself today. Put it under the blood of Yeshua. Walk upright before ADONAI with clean hands and a pure heart.

Two Keys: Know the Word of God, Repentance


Blessings and Shalom in Yeshua. Love Beyond Measure, Beth Auman

Yeshua IS Lord








The Word of a True Prophet lines up with the Word of God -The Bible. A false prophet tickles your ears and tells you what you want to hear.. but if you search your Bible and ask God for confirmation.. you will realize that the prophecy was false! God Himself wrote an entire book with 66 chapters so that we would know the Truth and not be led astray.

Check your Salvation today. Ask Yeshua freshly into your heart. Crown Him King of king and Lord of lord over your own life. Then ask Him to fill you freshly with His Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).

If you deny Yeshua before men. He will deny you before His Abba! Matthew 10:33 Denying Him means denying what IS written in the Bible!! Yeshua (Jesus) IS The Word!

That is His Word.

I am not ashamed to ask Yeshua (Jesus) into my heart and be my Lord and King daily..

Yeshua said in Matthew 24:12-13

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Iniquity is habitual sin.. the love of many will wax cold..

Check your own temperature! God is not double minded in anyway.

As for me and my house we will serve Adonai (The Lord)!

I choose righteous, peace and joy. My body belongs to Yeshua! My choice is Him and I will endure unto the end and shall be saved in Yeshua (Jesus) Name

You need to check yourself because according to this Scripture.. your salvation that you think you have may just be false because you bowed to the false.

Check yourself.. before God.. before it is too late.

I apply Yeshua (Jesus) blood over this post and seal this by Ruach Ha Kodesh! In Yeshua’s Name

Yeshua IS Lord! Yeshua IS King!

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of October 13, 2024
By JoBeth Kested

He gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:29-31 (KJV)

Have you ever been so weary with the heaviness of discouragement that you feel like you can hardly hold your head up much less walk or run? Or are you facing situations beyond your control that seem impossible to deal with? This scripture informs us that those who wait on the Lord have access to His power and strength to go beyond where the young will faint and give up! Though we usually find it hard to wait on anything or anybody, this kind of waiting is not idle and twittleling our thumbs. It is an active, persevering, listening and inquiring kind of waiting with expectation and anticipation for a demonstration of God’s miraculous power working in us and through us and for us. As we wait on the Lord, His supernatural power with His mighty strength renews and empowers us to run our race and also lifts our spirit up to soar like eagles! Lord, please help us and teach us how to wait!

Desist and Know

(1) God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
(2) Therefore we are unafraid,
even if the earth gives way,
even if the mountains tumble
into the depths of the sea,
(3) even if its waters rage and foam,
and mountains shake at its turbulence. (Selah)

(4) There is a river whose streams
gladden the city of God,
the holy habitation of ‘Elyon —
(5) God is in the city.
It will not be moved —
when daybreak comes, God will help it.
(6) Nations were in turmoil,
kingdoms were moved;
his voice thundered forth,
and the earth melted away.

(7) Adonai-Tzva’ot is with us,
our fortress, the God of Ya‘akov. (Selah)
(8) Come and see the works of Adonai,
the astounding deeds he has done on the earth.
10 (9) To the ends of the earth he makes wars cease —
he breaks the bow, snaps the spear,
burns the shields in the fire.
11 (10) “Desist, and learn that I am God, supreme over the nations, supreme over the earth.”

12 (11) Adonai-Tzva’ot is with us,
our fortress, the God of Ya‘akov. (Selah)

Today is a day of decision. Whose report will you believe? Adonai’s or the devils. It is as simple as that.

YHWH said in Exodus 20:13 CJB  13 “Do not murder.

Yeshua said it very plainly in John 10:10 CJB 10 The thief comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, life in its fullest measure.

Abba, remove the veil of lies that cover the eyes of all that cannot see this in Yeshua’s Name

May they repent, desist and run into Your strong and loving arms today in Yeshua’s Name Amen

Blessings and Shalom-Love Beyond Measure, Beth Auman

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of August 25, 2024
By JoBeth Kested

The Lord will always lead you. He will meet the needs of your soul in the dry times and give strength to your body. You will be like a garden that has enough water, like a well of water that never dries up. Isaiah 58:11 (NLV)

Have you ever seen the dazzling display of a dessert in glorious bloom after drenching thunderstorms or basked in the beauty of a luscious garden after a summer rain? Sometimes we find ourselves lost in a dry desolate place; overwhelmed by demands and needs with no idea of the way back to refreshing waters of life? Be encouraged by the promise of this scripture that the Lord is always with us to mercifully show us the way even when we find ourselves lost and desperate through foolish choices or by no faults of our own. God will meet all the needs of our soul (mind, will and emotions) and renews us when it looks like there is no provision in any direction. So, call upon the Lord in your day of trouble and He will deliver you (Psalms 50:15) and restore you like a well watered garden; filling you with His living water that never runs dry. Oh, hallelujah!

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of August 18, 2024
By JoBeth Kested

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 (NKJV)

Have you ever experienced the abandonment of a spouse, the betrayal of a friend, rejection of family, or a deep empty loneliness that won’t go away? Or, do paralyzing fears in your life or fear of death cripple future hopes? This scripture is a comforting reminder that no matter what valley of pain or death we may have to walk through in this life, there is absolutely no power, nor any place, any person nor anything that can separate us from the love of Christ. Corrie ten Boom, a survivor of one of the worst Nazi concentration camps during WWII, once said, “There is no pit so deep, that God’s love is not deeper still.” If you struggle with past hurts, present anxiety, fear of death or fear of any future dilemma, ask Jesus to come heal your heart, free you from all fear and fill you with His love that never fails and will never leave you. May you know the joy of God’s endless love for you today.