What will you do with your portion?

Every person has a portion. God created each of us with purpose. The Bible says: Psalm 16:5 (Voice) You, Eternal One, are my sustenance and my life-giving cup. In that cup, You hold my future and my eternal riches.
Your portion is the portion that God designed for you and giving your portion has everything to do with your purpose. It contains everything that God designed for you to give back to Him throughout your entire lifetime. Your portion is your key when it comes to anything that we need from God.
Each of us has free will and we can choose to give God our portion or keep it. If we give our portion back to Him, He will give us what we need. If we bury our portion deep down inside and refuse to allow God access then we receive nothing back from Him.
Many people live their entire lives and never give God His portion. They die in sin and never fulfill their purpose. That is very sad. Many Christians never give their entire portion to God and they do not fulfill their purpose. Take a moment and ponder what the Church would be on this earth if we all gave 100% of our portion to God. What an amazing world to live in would that be?
God created each of us a storehouse, filled with everything that we need in this life. There are keys to our storehouse and these keys communicate with God in a way that you may not have ever thought. When our hearts are open to Him in every area of life and we can come to Him with total abandon – our spirit plays a symphony to Him. There is a melody within each one of us and our song is incomplete many times because we have hidden places within ourselves that we refuse God access.
At church for example, many times I have gone and with total abandon given Him 100%. Other times I have been preoccupied and repented later because I did not give my portion in total abandon to Him in worship. He is so worthy of my all. He is so worthy of your all. Giving Him our all plays a melody to Him – a pure communication and He answers every time. When we give Him our all we give Him access to us 100% of the time.
When we open ourselves to Him and give back all that He has given to us. When we cry out to Him and He hears the song that He wrote inside us crying out to Him in total abandon, He answers and provides whatever that need is. But when we hold back and keep negativity, unforgiveness, bitterness, rejection, shame, hate, anger, fornication, sin, dark cords of our soul inside ourselves, He is not answering. God provided His son Jesus as the perfect lamb slain on the cross. He took our shame, sin and iniquity onto Himself and His blood created a pure path back to God. We can communicate, sing our song, worship, pray, intercede, cry from our heart, come before God – only through the blood of Jesus Christ. When we do this He answers and provides.
Each and everyone of us has to remember that it is our freewill and choice to give God our portion. If we don’t give Him full access, how can we expect Him to? We have all had times of darkness in our lives, only by allowing God in can Jesus bring His life – for light overcomes darkness – every single time. John 1:5 (VOICE) 5 A light that thrives in the depths of darkness, blazes through murky bottoms. It cannot and will not be quenched.
I want to give Him my all. I don’t want to withhold anything. I don’t want to become ensnared by others religious traditions, nor their repetitious sayings. I want my worship to come out of my being like a flower blooms in the sunshine.
It is my desire to yield into God in every area of this life that He has given me. Worship, prophecy, prayer, intercession, financial, watchman, healing, wisdom, revelation, counsel, power, knowledge and the fear of The LORD Most High, in every area and aspect of me with nothing hidden from Him. If He desires to use Me in any way, I set my will to come in line with His in Jesus Name.
Declare this with me today: So beginning today and everyday hereafter LORD, I give You access to all that I am. Take me, use me, help me focus on You and yield unto You all that I am, all that I will ever be and all that I will ever do. Help me give You my entire portion and fulfill my purpose eternally in Jesus Mighty and Strong Name. Amen.
Matthew 22:37-40 (VOICE)
Jesus (quoting Scripture): 37 “Love the Eternal One your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind.”[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is nearly as important, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 40 The rest of the law, and all the teachings of the prophets, are but variations on these themes.
Psalm 42:8 (Voice) Yet in the light of day, the Eternal shows me His love. When night settles in and all is dark,He keeps me company— His soothing song, a prayerful melody to the True God of my life.
Psalm 81:2 (Voice) Sing and strike up a melody; sound the tambourine, strum the sweet lyre and the harp.
Psalm 98:5 (Voice) Make music to the Eternal with the harp; sing a beautiful melody with the harp and chorus.
John 3:16 (VOICE) 16 For God expressed His love for the world in this way: He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not face everlasting destruction, but will have everlasting life.
Psalm 16:5 (NASB) 5 The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You support my lot.
Mark 4- All
Blessings and Shalom – Love Beyond Measure, Beth