Greetings everyone!! I’m excited to introduce you all to In His Image Art by Tia Fearington.

From the moment that I met Tia it was evident that she exudes the Joy of Adonai (The LORD)! Her art touches my heart and I know it will yours too. So watch as she and I work together producing Scripture Art truly In His Image and for His Glory!!
Tia’s Bio: My name is Shantia but everyone calls me Tia. I have always been fascinated with Art and Creative Arts since I was in kindergarten. So much so that I entered into the schools yearly Art contest, and they would choose first, second and third place for each grade to have their art displayed at Bob Timberlake’s Gallery.
Art has always held a special place in my heart because much like our walks with God , He takes small, mundane, things and turns them into masterpiece for His Glory. Things that in themselves don’t have much or have little worth, He takes His hands and creates works of Art that capture people’s hearts and help them to see their need for Him.

Blessings and Shalom-Love Beyond Measure, Beth Auman