Tag Archive | Abba

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of December 15, 2024
By JoBeth Kested

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV)

This is one of the most memorable scriptures often quoted in sermons and on Christmas cards this time of year. The Prophet Isaiah made over 100 very specific prophecies about the promised coming of the Jewish Messiah. Jesus fulfilled altogether over 300 Old Testament Messianic prophecies! There are numerous books written by those that have set out to disprove the historical validity of the birth, life and death of Jesus. Instead, they were challenged to bow their knees in faith as a believer. Whatever we may have gone through this year in celebrations, joys or sorrows, may we all embrace the reality of Jesus as our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace and Emanuel—God with us. Extending Merry Christmas blessings and hopes for the New Year ahead because God’s love came as baby boy born in Bethlehem; and because He died and rose from the dead, He still lives to save us. Wise men still seek Him.

The Hidden Meaning of Contentious by Lorena Cox

Unlocking the Hidden Meanings of “Contentious” in Scripture: A Journey of Self-Reflection and Growth

This week, while reading scripture, I came across the word
To my surprise, the word contentious was mostly accompanied by the word “woman”.
This word kept calling my attention. I like word studies, but before I even look into it, I asked the Lord what is this about?
Why is being mentioned only for women?
After seeing it three times….I thought I am praying this one…I surely don’t want to be a contentious wife!
I prayed but without saying it I am thinking again why it’s only mentioned for women. I read some more…and BAM! I found it ladies ? prayer answered.

Memorize it “Proverbs 26:21”.
“As charcoal is to burning coals, and wood to fire, So is a contentious man to kindle strife.”
I am hallelujah!! ?
Ladies, we are still mentioned 4 times out of five ?.
I’m injecting a little humor here.
If you do some study on this word contentious, you will identify the meaning more in depth.

Hebrew word used on the following verses means strife, quarreling, scolding

Pr 21:19 Better to dwell in the wilderness, Than with a contentious and angry woman.

Pr 25:24 It is better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.

Pr 26:21 As charcoal is to burning coals, and wood to fire, So is a contentious man to kindle strife.

Pr 27:15 A continual dripping on a very rainy day And a contentious woman are alike;

On this verse, Hebrew word means quarrels, controversies

Pr 21:9 Better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.

Contentious word is mentioned five times in the Old Testament, and all of them are in the book of Proverbs.

On the New Testament; however, the word contentious is mentioned only one time in the book of 1 Corinthians.

The Merriam Webster dictionary describe it as follow:
1-as in aggressive
feeling or displaying eagerness to fight
2-as in controversial
“given to arguing”
a tiresomely contentious person who likes to argue for the sake of arguin

This moment of insight, brings us into a place of self evaluation. Are we contentious wives? Are we contentious with our children?
Some of the (top)synonyms of contentious for your reference are:

– aggressive
– militant
– hostile
– confrontational
– combative
– irritable
– ugly
– pugnacious
– assaultive
– belligerent
– acidic
– argumentative

According to 1 Corinthians 11:16 “But if anyone seems to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor do the churches of God.”

In other words, contentious shouldn’t be part of our culture and behavior. Each one of us, continue to become more like Jesus, and in this path, we take a moment to meditate on this as we evaluate ourselves.

It’s important to note the opposite of contentious.
According to Merriam Webster dictionary here are some (top) antonyms for your reference.

– peaceful
– peaceable
– nonaggressive pacific pleasant
– uncontentious
– friendly
– amiable
– conciliatory
– amicable
– cordial
– unwarlike
– benevolent
– gracious

Abba desires for every one of us, to be women/wives, men/husbands gracious to each other. Only Holy Spirit can help us on this journey to stay away from being contentious and becoming more peaceful and gracious.

Let’s repent individually for being contentious spouses in any way our form. Even if we feel like our behavior has not been this way. Let’s humble ourselves before God.

Now, let’s decree in Jesus name.

I decree that we are virtuous spouses, wives of noble character by and through the empowerment and leading of the Holy Spirit.

Let’s say out loud the following decrees based on Proverbs 21:19, 25:24, 26:21, 27:15, and 21:9.

1. I will strive to be peaceful and avoid contentious behavior, creating a harmonious environment.
2. I will cultivate a spirit of calmness and patience, steering clear of anger and strife.
3. I will foster relationships built on mutual respect and kindness, avoiding quarrels.
4. I will be mindful of my words and actions, ensuring they contribute to peace and unity.
5. I will continuously evaluate my behavior, choosing to act with grace and humility.

Some BONUS decrees based on Proverbs 31.

1. I will be virtuous and honorable in all my actions.
2. I will commit to diligent work and manage my household with wisdom and care.
3. I will provide and care for my family, ensuring their well-being.
4. I will extend my hand to the poor and needy, offering help and kindness.
5. I will speak with wisdom and teach kindness.
6. I will ensure the affairs of my household are well-managed, avoiding idleness.
7. I will be known for my strength, dignity, and preparedness for the future.
8. I will cultivate a reputation of good deeds, earning respect from others.
9. I will value inner beauty and godly character over outward appearances.

Hope you enjoy!
God bless you. Lorena Cox

Scripture Of The Week by JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of December 8, 2024

By JoBeth Kested

“Comfort, yes, comfort My people!” Says your God. “Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned… The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth; the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” Isaiah 40:1-5 (NKJV)

Have you ever struggled with the sorrow and sadness of this life or the overwhelming grief of a great tragedy with longing for comfort? Sometimes the agony of loss and the pain of injustice we experience in this world can be hard to bear as we search for our lost hope in the puddles of our tears. The prophet Isaiah twice declares to the people of God “comfort, comfort” (meaning a double portion) along with the end of warfare and mercy for their sinfulness. He exhorts them to prepare a way for the Lord; with the promise that the extreme highs and lows will be made right, the crooked and rough will be made straight and smooth, and that all would see the glory of the goodness of the Lord in their land. Oh, Lord, comfort, comfort the wounded hearts of your people once again. May Jesus, the Prince of Peace, be revealed for the healing of the nations and for the glory of the LORD to shine in all the earth. Amen.

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of December 1, 2024
By JoBeth Kested


Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NASB)

Have you ever wondered how to find God’s will? What if the three things listed in this verse were the keys to releasing and experiencing God’s will for you? In the many tests, trials and difficult situations we face each day, what if we would choose to rejoice in the Lords’s overcoming power instead of worrying? What if we would then choose to pray in faith instead of yielding to fear? And, what if we would choose to give thanks for the opportunity to see God demonstrate His abundant provision for us instead of grumbling and complaining? In Matthew 19:26 Jesus said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” By His grace, choose to rejoice, pray and give thanks in everything today to set your feet on the path of God’s will concerning you. Thank You, Lord.

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of November 24, 2024

By JoBeth Kested

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever. To him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1-4 (NIV)

What would you answer if asked what is your greatest need or desire? Most of us would acknowledge the deepest longingly of our hearts is to be loved. We all long for and cherish the loving relationships of family and friends. We are encouraged in these scriptures to give thanks to The Lord, God of gods, and Lord of lords because His love endures forever. In this Psalm, there are twenty-six declarations that His love endures forever after verses extolling the majesty of God’s creation, His awesome wonders, His mighty power and extravagant mercy. During this season of Thanksgiving we often remember and share the many things we have to be thankful for. It is also good to be reminded how blessed we are and to give thanks that The Lord God Almighty is good, He does great wonders and His steadfast love for us endures forever!

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of November 17, 2024
By JoBeth Kested

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord… Jeremiah 29:11-14a (NKJV)

Have you ever felt like you messed up so bad that you are beyond forgiveness and undeserving of God’s love? Sometimes it feels like God is playing Hide and Seek and not to be found. But, these verses assure us that God is listening and really does hear our prayers when we cry out to Him. Listening implies that He is waiting and anticipating to hear our voice so He can reveal Himself and the good plans He has prepared for us. Though it may be hard to fathom, the truth is, God harbors no thoughts of evil against us. He is always thinking of how to show us His plans for our future that includes renewing our dashed hopes and bestowing His peace that passes our understanding. Be encouraged in this promise to you today, that you will find the Lord when you pray and seek Him with all your heart. Praise the Lord!

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of November 10, 2024
By JoBeth Kested

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)

Have you ever struggled to find enough faith to guide you in the midst of gripping fearful circumstances? In such times, it is important to remember that submitting to fear instead of believing in faith is a choice. Let’s take a look at this scripture with the word fear in place of the word faith and see how it would read. “Now fear is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” How much easier it is to see the foolishness of wasting our time and energy by wallowing in the quicksand of fear that anticipates and expects things we can’t even see yet and have no power to change. We can choose to have faith in our all powerful Heavenly Father that creates worlds out of nothing, is able to move mountains, make rivers in the desert, and brings resurrection life from the dead! Instead of yielding to fear, let’s put our faith in Almighty God that can create things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Yes, Lord!

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of November 3, 2024
By JoBeth Kested

As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him. For who is God, except the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God? It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect. Psalm 18:30-32 (NKJV)

Are you frustrated with your imperfections, disappointed in the imperfect people in your life, or weary of this imperfect world? What a huge comfort to discover the realization that the ways of our God are perfect and to know with assurance that His Word has proven to be perfect, too. He is the protector and defender of all who put their trust in Him. He alone is the Almighty God above all gods and majestic Lord above all lords. There is nothing in this world more sure, more solid, and more dependable than our God; The Rock. Our loving, compassionate and merciful God lifts us out of our pity puddles of discouragement, renews our strength and even makes our crooked rough roads into perfect paths of peace. Thank You, Lord!

An Olive Becoming Oil by Conny Hubbard

The idea of writing as oil has come to me. Last night it flowed, you might say. Can anyone relate? And at what stage of crushing might you be? Maybe the better question is, Who am I becoming?

An Olive becoming Oil

I am an olive, no, wait, that’s not right. I need to begin by saying, “I was an olive” but now I am oil. Of course, oil cannot be produced from just one olive but it takes many. We were many and we went through a painful process of crushing. I still shudder when I think about it. I don’t wish it on my worst enemy but I also wouldn’t want to go back to the way I was before. I was alone, hard and somewhat bitter, hanging on a tree branch, a place that had become quite comfortable for me.

When the harvester’s hands reached for me, I hung on with all my might and resisted.

“I shall not be moved,” I sang on top of my lungs, believing that I was firm in my faith and that I needed to defend myself against these forces that sought to dislodge me from my cozy place of comfort.

But I didn’t succeed in my attempt at self-preservation. I was plucked mercilessly and thrown into a huge basket with too many others. It got dark and uncomfortable really quick and I resented it. I had no idea at the time that this was only the beginning of a crushing that I had not invited nor welcomed. Indeed, these challenges I was facing now were like a death.

Together with the others we were ground into a paste. Yes, you heard right. Ground into a paste! All the layers of our individuality were stripped away until we were laid bare and revealed the core essence of our being. At the time I had no idea what the essence of my being was. I just felt raw and exposed and feared that no one would ever see me for who I really was – an olive. At least that had been my identity. I had already lost my place in the sun and now I was losing my identity, too. It was so confusing. I was sure I was losing my mind.

“Who am I?” was the big question. I learned that fighting against this was of no use. I had no choice but to yield. There was quite a bit of murmuring and complaining going on in that pile of ground paste. We were definitely too close for comfort. It was messy. Our lives got entangled and intertwined. All the things that had worked for me in the past no longer worked. In the olive grove I had enjoyed the gentle breeze of the wind. I was cared for and protected from anything that could harm me. I felt important and knew that my purpose was to grow and be productive. But at the height of my growth I was suddenly thrown into this process that didn’t make sense. I longed for the presence of the wind that often delighted me with sweet songs. Instead I had to endure the cold and hardness of the stone that mercilessly crushed me and the others.

When I didn’t think it could get any worse we were pressed even further. Then we were spread out onto large fiber disks that were piled onto each other. At this point I lost consciousness and I was told later that the pressure that was put on us was so strong that oil and water seeped out of us. Furthermore, we had to flow through a filter to leave any impurities behind and what remained was a clear yellowish oily liquid.

The workers who did all this to us talked among each other and I overheard some phrases that made me wonder. I heard things like pure, desirable and valuable. I had no idea that I had carried droplets of oil within me all along. It took all this work to extract the oil but now that I was no longer a single olive but a part of oil I felt something had shifted within me. A new identity had emerged and with it came a clearer understanding of purpose.

Becoming oil had been tough but now united with many others we discovered a new purpose. Together we would be used for all kinds of wonderful things, such as

cooking, lighting, perfuming, anointing, beautifying skin, in the making of soaps and in healing wounds. We were even referred to as “liquid gold” and as “the great healer.”

Some of us were dispatched one day to assist a Samaritan man who came upon a man who had been beaten by robbers. It was a good thing he had us with him that day because he poured us into the man’s wounds so we could do our healing thing. Wine was also present that day. They were used to cleanse the wounds. Wine had to go through a similar crushing and they also had a story to tell. We were not in competition but each one did what was needed that day. For us, the oil, it felt so good to bring soothing to these wounds.

You might have noticed that I don’t refer to myself as a lone olive anymore. It has become a thing that we do together and not one olive can boast in it. I am part of a greater substance and in losing my single solitary life I have found a life that is much richer and more fulfilling than I could have ever dreamed of.

2 Corinthians 4:8-10 The Message Bible

We’ve been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we’re not demoralized; we’re not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we’ve been spiritually terrorized, but God hasn’t left our side; we’ve been thrown down, but we haven’t broken. What they did to Jesus, they do to us—trial and torture, mockery and murder; what Jesus did among them, he does in us—he lives.

By Conny Hubbard

October 2024

The photo below was taken by my sister Lydia in Mallorca. It’s a very old olive tree. What do you see?