Tag Archive | Breaker

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of January 25, 2025
By JoBeth Kested

“I have set the LORD continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.” Psalms 16:8,11 (NASB)

Have you ever wondered how to have joy through any circumstance? Biblically joy goes beyond emotional happiness which is dependent on whatever makes us feel good and it is temporary. Joy is primarily a choice and is dependent upon trusting in the sovereign goodness of God, even when we don’t feel it, and knowing that He is Who He says He is as revealed to us in His Word. When this scripture mentions God’s place at the Psalmists right hand that implies giving Him the highest place of honor and absolute power in our lives. We learn in this scripture that when we choose to abide in His presence we can know the security of safety, overflowing joy and everlasting pleasure. HIs right hand holds all power and all authority in heaven and on earth to defend and provide for us. Lord, please go before us revealing the path of abundant life in Your presence and the fullness of joy we all long for. Amen.

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of November 10, 2024
By JoBeth Kested

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)

Have you ever struggled to find enough faith to guide you in the midst of gripping fearful circumstances? In such times, it is important to remember that submitting to fear instead of believing in faith is a choice. Let’s take a look at this scripture with the word fear in place of the word faith and see how it would read. “Now fear is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” How much easier it is to see the foolishness of wasting our time and energy by wallowing in the quicksand of fear that anticipates and expects things we can’t even see yet and have no power to change. We can choose to have faith in our all powerful Heavenly Father that creates worlds out of nothing, is able to move mountains, make rivers in the desert, and brings resurrection life from the dead! Instead of yielding to fear, let’s put our faith in Almighty God that can create things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Yes, Lord!

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested


Scripture for the week of October 27, 2024
By JoBeth Kested

The Lord will always lead you. He will meet the needs of your soul in the dry times and give strength to your body. You will be like a garden that has enough water, like a well of water that never dries up. Isaiah 58:11 (NLV)

Have you ever marveled by the beauty of a garden after a refreshing summer rain or seen the dazzling display of a dessert in glorious bloom after a drenching thunderstorm? Sometimes we find ourselves lost in a dry desolate place; overwhelmed by the pressuring demands of our lives with no idea how to find our way back to restoring waters of life? Be encouraged by the promise of this scripture that the Lord is always with us to mercifully show us the way even when we find ourselves lost and desperate through foolish choices or by no faults of our own. God can meet all the needs of our soul (mind, will and emotions) and renews us when it looks like there is no provision in any direction. So, call upon the Lord in your day of trouble and He will deliver you (Psalms 50:15) and restore you like a well watered garden; filling you with His living water that never runs dry. Oh, hallelujah!

Scripture of the Week by JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of October 20, 2019

By JoBeth Kested

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)

Have you ever wondered how to find peace in the midst of difficult and overwhelming situations? Peace is something money cannot buy, but I am sure there are times we would gladly pay for it if we could. Though not always easy, these two verses show us in a few simple steps God’s pathway to finding His peace. 1) Don’t waste your time worrying. 2) Talk to God about everything. 3) He wants us to bring Him all our needs. 4) Be sure to thank Him for all He does for you. Then, we are promised God’s wonderful peace that passes all our understanding! Peace protects our hearts and minds beyond our imaginations to live the life that is ours in Jesus. Prayer is just simply talking to God and it is the entry way to walking in His path of peace for you today and always. Praise God!

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of July 14, 2024
By JoBeth Kested

The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)

Have you ever come to an unexpected fork in the road, afraid and discouraged without a clue of which way to go? You may be holding onto some hopes, promises and dreams but feel like you have lost your way. This scripture was spoken to Joshua when Moses directed him to lead the Israelites into the promised land. What an encouragement this promise of the Lord’s presence and guidance must have been to Joshua and it can be for you, too. Grab hold of this truth for yourself and allow the Lord to reveal and establish the hope of His presence with you. You can release your fears and discouragements knowing without a doubt that The Lord is with you! He’ll never leave you and He is going before you to lead you into the future, hope and blessings He has prepared just for you! Praise the Lord!

The Faithful of the Land

Psalm 101 CJB

101 (0) A psalm of David:

(1) I am singing of grace and justice;
I am singing to you, Adonai.
I will follow the path of integrity;
when will you come to me?
I will run my life with a sincere heart
inside my own house.
I will not allow before my eyes
any shameful thing.
I hate those who act crookedly;
what they do does not attract me.
Deviousness will depart from me;
I will not tolerate evil.
If someone slanders another in secret,
I will cut him off.
Haughty eyes and proud hearts
I cannot abide.

I look to the faithful of the land,
so that they can be my companions;
those who live lives of integrity
can be servants of mine.
No deceitful person can live in my house;
no liar can be my advisor.
Every morning I will destroy
all the wicked of the land,
cutting off all evildoers
from the city of Adonai.

Adonai, we stand today declaring and decreeing Psalm 101 over our lives, our Nation, our families, ministries, ministry covenant partners, friends and neighbors in Yeshua’s Name Amen

Rise up, take your seat in heavenly places in Yeshua Hamashiach declare and decree Adonai’s Word.

Blessings and Shalom-Love Beyond Measure, Beth Auman

Walk Worthy Of Your Calling

We are all to be living epistles before men. What do others read from your page today? Humility, gentleness with patience? putting up with one another in love? Making every effort to keep the unity of the Ruach HaKodesh in the bind of shalom?

when people meet us they are partaking of the One to whom we proclaim, Yeshua.

is your fruit good to taste or is it bitter, angry, rotten and spoiled? Examine yourself today and ask for forgiveness. Repent and take a giant step forward.

Keep this Scripture close, memorize it. Walk it out in your own life and treat others with respect. Saved yet or not, they were formed and fashioned in their mother’s womb too. They were created in His image too. They will never see Yeshua if we continue acting like the one they serve.

This is the Truth.

We can stand on Adonai’s Word not bending to the sinful nature of others and still walk in love.

Abba, forgive each of us who ask today for our rotten behavior. We submit ourselves and our attitudes unto You. We resist the devil and he must flee from us.

We take a step forward into Ephesins 4:1-3:

I urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you were called— with complete humility and gentleness, with patience, putting up with one another in love, making every effort to keep the unity of the Ruach in the bond of shalom.

In Yeshua’s Name. Amen

Blessings and Shalom – Love Beyond Measure in Yeshua, Beth Auman

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of June 9, 2024
By JoBeth Kested

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. Psalm 46:10-11 (NKJV)

Have you ever enjoyed a summer night of frogs croaking, crickets creaking and fireflies flitting? Or have you ever taken the time to look for pictures in the clouds or watched for falling stars in a dark night sky? Isn’t it interesting how much we can see and hear if we will take the time to be still. In stillness we may also have to face our encroaching fears, our emptiness or our feelings of being all alone. But, in this scripture God instructs us that we will find Him in the still and quiet place. Our Heavenly Father desires for us to cease from our struggles and striving to find the comfort, peace and rest we so long for in the stillness of His presence. Whatever we may be facing in the uncertainties and upheavals of this world our God declares in this scripture that He will be exalted above all else in the earth. The Lord of Hosts is with us and is our refuge. Selah means ponder and think of that! Amen.

Scripture Of The Week By JoBeth Kested

Scripture for the week of June 2, 2024
By JoBeth Kested

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 2 Peter 1:2 (NKJV)

Are you in need of abundant grace and peace? Grace is undeserved favor and divine assistance. Peace is tranquility, harmony and freedom from disturbance or affliction. The Biblical definition of knowledge is based on understanding from experience. This verse exhorts us that the more we increase in knowing our Father God, and our Savior Jesus, the more His grace and peace will increase in our lives. Like the Hebrews in the wilderness that had to gather fresh manna each day, Jesus is the Bread of Life that God has provided for us to that we need to seek new each day. Whatever we may have experienced of God’s love, mercy, forgiveness and provision in the past, be encouraged to KNOW that as we seek to know Him more each day we’ll never exhaust the supply His sufficient favor, divine assistance, and peace that passes understanding. May His grace and peace be multiplied to you today.

Iyar NeuroArt Teaching by Conny Hubbard

Iyar Teaching by Conny Hubbard


JoBeth and I would like to Thank Conny Hubbard for including the Quest Of The Overcomers in her Neuro Art teaching on the Hebrew Month of IYAR and her excellent review of our book.

Please, click the link to partake of this lovely instructional teaching on how to draw out a Biblical Truth in a lovely and creative way. 

Conny Hubbard is a well known Author, Teacher and Chaplain. She is one of the most creative women that I have ever met. She teaches Bibliodrama writing classes that bringing the Word of God to life in an exquisite and creative way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXXnej4rtzM

Reach out and let us know how much you enjoyed The Quest and Conny’s Teaching.