(1) I am singing of grace and justice; I am singing to you, Adonai. 2 I will follow the path of integrity; when will you come to me? I will run my life with a sincere heart inside my own house. 3 I will not allow before my eyes any shameful thing. I hate those who act crookedly; what they do does not attract me. 4 Deviousness will depart from me; I will not tolerate evil. 5 If someone slanders another in secret, I will cut him off. Haughty eyes and proud hearts I cannot abide.
6 I look to the faithful of the land, so that they can be my companions; those who live lives of integrity can be servants of mine. 7 No deceitful person can live in my house; no liar can be my advisor. 8 Every morning I will destroy all the wicked of the land, cutting off all evildoers from the city of Adonai.
Adonai, we stand today declaring and decreeing Psalm 101 over our lives, our Nation, our families, ministries, ministry covenant partners, friends and neighbors in Yeshua’s Name Amen
Rise up, take your seat in heavenly places in Yeshua Hamashiach declare and decree Adonai’s Word.
Blessings and Shalom-Love Beyond Measure, Beth Auman
We are all to be living epistles before men. What do others read from your page today? Humility, gentleness with patience? putting up with one another in love? Making every effort to keep the unity of the Ruach HaKodesh in the bind of shalom?
when people meet us they are partaking of the One to whom we proclaim, Yeshua.
is your fruit good to taste or is it bitter, angry, rotten and spoiled? Examine yourself today and ask for forgiveness. Repent and take a giant step forward.
Keep this Scripture close, memorize it. Walk it out in your own life and treat others with respect. Saved yet or not, they were formed and fashioned in their mother’s womb too. They were created in His image too. They will never see Yeshua if we continue acting like the one they serve.
This is the Truth.
We can stand on Adonai’s Word not bending to the sinful nature of others and still walk in love.
Abba, forgive each of us who ask today for our rotten behavior. We submit ourselves and our attitudes unto You. We resist the devil and he must flee from us.
We take a step forward into Ephesins 4:1-3:
I urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you were called— with complete humility and gentleness, with patience, putting up with one another in love, making every effort to keep the unity of the Ruach in the bond of shalom.
In Yeshua’s Name. Amen
Blessings and Shalom – Love Beyond Measure in Yeshua, Beth Auman
Do not be afraid dear one. Hear Adonai’s Word today and gain His understanding.
In Proverbs 3 Abba lays out Wisdom and Understanding for us. Wisdom and Understanding are vital for us. We must not fear. We must trust.
Read this as many times as it takes to get inside you today. Read it out loud. Remember that: So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 17
Proverbs 3 CJB
3 My son, don’t forget my teaching, keep my commands in your heart; 2 for they will add to you many days, years of life and peace.
3 Do not let grace and truth leave you — bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. 4 Then you will win favor and esteem in the sight of God and of people.
5 Trust in Adonaiwith all your heart; do not rely on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him; then he will level your paths.
7 Don’t be conceited about your own wisdom; but fear Adonai, and turn from evil. 8 This will bring health to your body and give strength to your bones.
9 Honor Adonaiwith your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your income. 10 Then your granaries will be filled and your vats overflow with new wine.
11 My son, don’t despise Adonai’s discipline or resent his reproof; 12 for Adonaicorrects those he loves like a father who delights in his son.
13 Happy the person who finds wisdom, the person who acquires understanding; 14 for her profit exceeds that of silver, gaining her is better than gold, 15 she is more precious than pearls nothing you want can compare with her. 16 Long life is in her right hand, riches and honor in her left. 17 Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. 18 She is a tree of life to those who grasp her; whoever holds fast to her will be made happy.
19 Adonai by wisdom founded the earth, by understanding he established the heavens, 20 by his knowledge the deep [springs] burst open and the dew condenses from the sky. 21 My son, don’t let these slip from your sight; preserve common sense and discretion; 22 they will be life for your being and grace for your neck. 23 Then you will walk your way securely, without hurting your foot. 24 When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
25 Don’t be afraid of sudden terror or destruction caused by the wicked, when it comes; 26 for you can rely on Adonai; he will keep your foot from being caught in a trap.
27 Don’t withhold good from someone entitled to it when you have in hand the power to do it. 28 Don’t tell your neighbor, “Go away! Come another time; I’ll give it to you tomorrow,” when you have it now. 29 Don’t plan harm against your neighbor who lives beside you trustingly. 30 Don’t quarrel with someone for no reason, if he has done you no harm. 31 Don’t envy a man of violence, don’t choose any of his ways; 32 for the perverse is an abomination to Adonai, but he shares his secret counsel with the upright. 33 Adonai’s curse is in the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous. 34 The scornful he scorns, but gives grace to the humble. 35 The wise win honor, but fools win shame.
Hebrews 4:12 CJB 12 See, the Word of God is alive! It is at work and is sharper than any double-edged sword – it cuts right through to where soul meets spirit and joints meet marrow, and it is quick to judge the inner reflections and attitudes of the heart.
Speaking Abba’s greatest Blessings and Shalom over each of you in Yeshua (Jesus) Name