Tag Archive | Yeshua is Lord

Yeshua IS Lord








The Word of a True Prophet lines up with the Word of God -The Bible. A false prophet tickles your ears and tells you what you want to hear.. but if you search your Bible and ask God for confirmation.. you will realize that the prophecy was false! God Himself wrote an entire book with 66 chapters so that we would know the Truth and not be led astray.

Check your Salvation today. Ask Yeshua freshly into your heart. Crown Him King of king and Lord of lord over your own life. Then ask Him to fill you freshly with His Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).

If you deny Yeshua before men. He will deny you before His Abba! Matthew 10:33 Denying Him means denying what IS written in the Bible!! Yeshua (Jesus) IS The Word!

That is His Word.

I am not ashamed to ask Yeshua (Jesus) into my heart and be my Lord and King daily..

Yeshua said in Matthew 24:12-13

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Iniquity is habitual sin.. the love of many will wax cold..

Check your own temperature! God is not double minded in anyway.

As for me and my house we will serve Adonai (The Lord)!

I choose righteous, peace and joy. My body belongs to Yeshua! My choice is Him and I will endure unto the end and shall be saved in Yeshua (Jesus) Name

You need to check yourself because according to this Scripture.. your salvation that you think you have may just be false because you bowed to the false.

Check yourself.. before God.. before it is too late.

I apply Yeshua (Jesus) blood over this post and seal this by Ruach Ha Kodesh! In Yeshua’s Name

Yeshua IS Lord! Yeshua IS King!