Walking in The Light by Beth Auman

Oh Lord, may we all choose to fellowship with Your Son Yeshua. Walking in Your Light (Yeshua) as He is in the Light with You because You are ONE.

The Hebrew word for One is Echad – Adonai is El Echad – One – Father Son Holy Spirit – ONE.

Some say that Trinity (Three in ONE) is not found in the Word.  That’s so funny to me because – One God – El Echad is written in the Beginning and the End. It is truly ONE BOOK. Genesis thru Revelation  – ONE.

Malachi 2:10 (CJB)10 Don’t we all have the same father? Didn’t one God create us all? Then why do we break faith with each other, profaning the covenant of our ancestors?

John 17:20-21 (VOICE) 20 I am not asking solely for their benefit; this prayer is also for all the believers who will follow them and hear them speak. 21 Father, may they all be one as You are in Me and I am in You; may they be in Us, for by this unity the world will believe that You sent Me.

Oh El Echad – may we all choose to walk in Your Light as You are THE Light. May we all be one as You are One with Yeshua Your Son and may we all be filled with Your Holy Spirit. Oh Lord we want All of You – fill us today with Your Pure and Holy Light.

May our claim be that by the blood of Yeshua we are purified from all sin. Lord, may we repent when we make the choice to walk in darkness.  May we all see You, choose You The Truth and walk in the You The Pure Light. In Yeshua’s Name Amen

Love Beyond Measure,

Beth Auman



